
05/01/2099- Charleston, New Eastern Republic, 4:36 A.M.- A UFO flies over the island.

Tyesha Mingus lives on the isolated island of Charleston. Once a popular tourist spot turned into an uneventful plateau by earthquakes and rising sea levels. Tyesha has an interest in older technology from the late 20th and early 21st centuries; Science Fiction novels and short stories, her favorite series being Issac Asimov's "Foundation" and Cixin Liu's "Remembrance of Earths Past"; and general curiosity regarding Astronomy.

A message has been sent to her through an older communication network known as the Internet. Information is passed between satellites and even through physical cables, often at speeds frustratingly slow. This information has to be recorded in specialized computer languages called code.

The message Tyesha receives is followed quickly by another one before she can respond. It's from her friend, 16-year-old Yusuf Yoshinari.

Transcript notes:

  1. PTG; Acronym meaning Pray to God.
  2. Flack; To run up and attack someone in an uncoordinated and ridiculous manner.
  3. Quak; A silly way to tell someone to be quiet or to stop talking.
  4. CGL; Acronym meaning Chuckling, Giggling, Laughing.

Tyesha shuts down her computer and heads downstairs. As she approaches the front door she looks over at her mother. Her figure is hard to distinguish from the Lazy Boy recliner she's sitting in. On the TV is the 1946 film It's A Wonderful Life. A profound sense of emptiness surrounds the two women. Tyesha opens her mouth to say something, but not a single word escapes. Tyesha exits the house. Her mother remains motionless, but something in her expression resembles the face of a child on the verge of tears.