
After the egg enters Tyesha's head she becomes incapacitated for about 4 hours. Yusuf watches as the Alien presses one final button and disappears before his eyes. Inspecting the ground where they landed, Yusuf finds a small, metallic orb perfectly smooth all the way around. Its surface is very cold and seems almost transparent at certain angles. Yusuf puts the object in his pocket and drags Tyesha back to his house.

The streets are covered in glass but other than Yusuf and his family no one really lived in this side of town. In fact, due to rising sea levels, most residents of Charleston lived as far away from the coast as they could. The reason for Yusuf living so close to the beach was his father's mentality regarding the ocean. Growing up in the coastal city of Chita, Japan; Yusuf's father had known the ocean his entire life. From 2049 to 2053, Chita was just one of thousands of cities worldwide that were engulfed by the ocean in a series of major flooding events that would later be dubbed: Poseidon's Conquest.

Yusuf's father, Yoshiyuki Yoshinari (吉成義行), lost both of his parents in this crisis at the age of 15. Despite this, Japan was considerably well off when compared to its southern neighbors. Many migrants from places like the Philippines, Indonesia, and countless islands found themselves on boats heading for Japan. Consequently, Japan tightened its already strict policies regarding immigration and asylum seekers. The Japanese government's xenophobia was outclassed by only one other nation, that being the newly formed NER. This trend of rising xenophobia was seen in most places less impacted by climate change, particularly Western Europe.

Yoshiyuki, newly orphaned had only one source of happiness. His Iraqi girlfriend Amira Sargon Yusuf (أميرة سرجون يوسف). Amira began her studies in Japan right at the beginning of WWIII, living with Yoshiyuki's family as a foreign exchange student. Fearing she wouldn't be able to return home safely during the war, the Yoshinari family convinced her to stay with them in secret after the period in which she was originally supposed to leave Japan. After the fall of Chita, Amiras illegal presence in Japan was noticed and reported by rescue workers who transported her and Yoshiyuki inland. While Amira spoke Japanese she was unable to effectively communicate with the Japanese Immigration Bureau after being detained due to being in shock and a nonexistent desire for communication by the Bureau itself. Instead, they interviewed Yoshiyuki hoping to figure out where to deport her too. In just ten minutes he was able to fully convince them that both he and Amira were American spies planted before the collapse of the US government.

After years of snail-paced bureaucracy, the two of them were eventually deported on a ship heading for the NER in 2062. Despite rampant xenophobia, the NER willingly took in a great many migrants and deportees. However, upon arrival, these individuals would immediately be conscripted into military servitude with the promise of eventual freedom once the NER had achieved its expansionist goals, a project still being pursued in 2099. Luckily for Yoshiyuki and Amira, their ship was raided by Charlestonian pirates searching for food. Most of the crew was killed but the deported passengers were brought back to Charleston where many of them aided in the construction of new agricultural infrastructure.