
Confusion covers both of their faces, but before either could say another word the sky flashes a brilliant orange color. Looking up, they see a metallic disk-shaped object tumble through the sky like a rock skipping over a pond. Another flash erupts from the object causing it to lose more altitude. As it passes over Yusuf's house it appears to suddenly change its trajectory and descends further, smashing directly into the nearby beach.

A type of shockwave is felt exploding from the crashed object. Immediately, the two children's phones, glass lightbulbs, and the windows of all the surrounding houses began to heat up. Acting quickly, Tyesha gathers her and Yusuf's electronics and throws them as far as she can away from them. Within seconds a few of them erupt into flames, right as the windows of the surrounding houses begin to explode.

Tyesha looks up, about 100 meters away from her on the beach she can see the object. On top of Unidentified No Longer Flying Object (UNLFO) is a strange humanoid-looking creature. It's hunched over, and it seems to be coughing.

The flame that engulfed their electronics calms down and simmers out. The sound of glass breaking stops. Not that Tyesha was paying any more attention to the glass. The Alien on the beach had her full attention. It didn't look like it was sitting inside the object, rather it looked like its body was a part of it. Suddenly, it let out another violent cough. Injured, it was injured. Like a moth to a flame, Tyesha sprints forward. Yusuf calls out to her but she can't hear him. She feels like a little girl again, her heart skips beat after beat. She would save this foreign prince, and in return, he would take her to a faraway galaxy where all her dreams would come true.

After getting within a few meters of The Alien, she stops due to the heat emanating from the object. The shape baffles her. It's a flying saucer! This type of design was popular in old Gernsback Era Science Fiction stories, but by the 1980s it was only really used for sci-fi comedies/parodies. To think it was the actual design of choice for real-life extraterrestrials. It shattered all of Tyesha's expectations.

The Alien coughs again startling Tyesha. She looks up and their eyes meet. The Alien's eyes are large and black. Like they were designed to intake as much light as possible. In contrast, the nose is unbelievably small, less of a nose and more just a pair of nostrils cut into the face. The mouth lacks any lips to speak of. All of these features sit on a head that looks as if a human head was shaved bald and stretched vertically. The Alien's skin has a dark purplish-red color and the texture resembles the rough bark of an Oak tree. Tyesha looks deeply into the Alien's eyes, and they give her a very human look in return. Suddenly, they open their mouth.